

22 Mar

Can an undischarged bankrupt start a lawsuit without notifying his trustee in bankruptcy? (Little v. Bramcan Investments Ltd.)

Friday, March 22, 2024Stephen A. ThieleLitigationTransportation & Logistics, Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, Insolvency, Rules of Civil Procedure


Can an undischarged bankrupt bring a lawsuit in his own name without notifying his trustee in bankruptcy? In Little v. Bramcan Investments Ltd2024 ONSC 1485 (CanLII), the Ontario...

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22 Jun

Sale of commercial units by nearly-insolvent debtor not a fraudulent conveyance

Wednesday, June 22, 2022James R.G. CookLitigationInsolvency, Real Estate


Creditors of an insolvent or nearly insolvent debtor may be understandably frustrated if the debtor sells its few remaining assets, leaving the...

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27 Dec

So you're in Special Credit – Can you sue?

Wednesday, December 27, 2017LitigationInsolvency, Collections, Lending, Loans, Banking, Recovery


Deciding not to advance any more money and shifting a debtor’s account into the...

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25 Jan

Transfers at an Undervalue; Backfires in Creditor Proofing

Wednesday, January 25, 2017Bankruptcy and Insolvency, LitigationBankruptcy, Insolvency, Transfer at an undervalue


Individuals faced with financial pressures and money problems understandably try to protect what little assets they may have left. In particular they...

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