The “Independent Third Party”: The New Structure for Hockey Canada Complaints
Thursday, November 9, 2023Lad Kucis, Dara HirbodLitigationHockey, Complaints, Harassment, Discrimination
Sport organizations have received a significant amount of publicity in recent years regarding maltreatment by and...
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Court issues injunction to stop online harassment and intimidation pending trial
Thursday, July 8, 2021James R.G. CookLitigationHarassment, Landlord, Real Estate, Civil Litigation, Ontario Landlord and Tenant Board, YouTube, Internet Harassment
Online harassment has become a major issue in Canadian society and has resulted in the burgeoning tort of “internet harassment” specifically designed to...
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Internet Harassment Tort Recognized by Ontario Superior Court of Justice
Monday, February 1, 2021James R.G. CookLitigationDefamation, Harassment, Torts, Cyber-stalking
Cyber-stalking and anonymous malicious postings on the internet, which may be disseminated across a variety of sites and platforms across the world, are issues to which the...
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